FHIR MedicationRequest (Unsigned Order)

The Medication, MedicationOrder, MedicationRequest and MedicationStatement data models combine to model a patient's reported and prescribed medication orders and instructions. Medication provides information about each medication, independent of a patient. The MedicationOrder and MedicationRequest resources give a summary of the medication orders placed for the patient along with their status. The MedicationStatement resource gives a full-picture summary of all medications a patient may be taking, whether they are prescriptions or patient-reported medications. The MedicationDispense resource is available only to organizations in the Netherlands, and indicates how a medication product is to be or has been dispensed for a patient.

API details



Version details


Main version


CDS Hooks Read, CDS Hooks Delete, CDS Hooks Create

Standardization level
Open API0
Technically standardized API0
Fully standardized API0
Version information

Standardization level

FHIR MedicationRequest (Unsigned Order) R4 from Epic has not yet achieved a standardization level. This means that this API does not yet meet all 'must' requirements associated with the Open API standardization level.


This API has been published in the API Library for Dutch Healthcare

Open API

This API is not well-documented yet

Technically standardized API

Not all technical choices for this API comply with internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and best practices yet

Fully standardized API

Not all parts of this API have been standardized yet

