FHIR Communication (Community Resource)
The Communication resource represents a record of communication. This resource can convey details about messages between health systems and community-based organizations about referral requests made through continued care and services workflows in Epic, such as a post-discharge service request for durable medical equipment (DME) or social services.
Main version
Read, Search, Create
Standardization level
FHIR Communication (Community Resource) R4 from Epic has not yet achieved a standardization level. This means that this API does not yet meet all 'must' requirements associated with the Open API standardization level.
This API has been published in the API Library for Dutch Healthcare
Open API
This API is not well-documented yet
Technically standardized API
Not all technical choices for this API comply with internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and best practices yet
Fully standardized API
Not all parts of this API have been standardized yet